Friday, July 1, 2011

Back to Basics: Lesson 3 - How to thread a sewing machine

We are constantly asked here at Just Fabrics by customers, friends and family how to thread a sewing machine. Some say it is like riding a bike others forget the skill as soon as they walk away from the machine. Whether you are a complete beginner or going back to sewing after years of neglecting your machine, this Just Fabrics's blog post is here to help you learn to thread a machine.
We have posted this excellent video that has been made by a fashion student, that is trying to encourage people to sew with her website start sewing UK.

If you missed our other 'Back to Basics' guides please click on the link bellow:

Back to basics: Learn to Knit for Knit in Public Day (KIP Day)

Back to Basics: Lesson 1- hand sewing

Back to Basics: Lesson 2- How to sew a button

Place a pin under the center of the button.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Make your perfect summer dress! - Our Dress patterns and 100% cotton fabrics.

B5637Here at Just Fabrics we have a variety of 100% cotton fabrics available in store that could make your perfect summer dress. With a variety of patterns and fabrics available, those of any age can have a unique, summery addition their wardrobe this summer. Whether you are going to a wedding, on holiday or having a barbecue: Just Fabrics can help you make a simple summer dress that will make you feel glamorous and gorgeous throughout the summer. 

The Butterick pattern BB5637, is available in store in sizes 6-24 and is a fast, easy and simple to make. This modern and fashionable pattern will flatter women of all figures and can be made unique with any of our 100% cotton fabrics that are featured bellow.
You can also make your little ones a beautiful summer dress with Simplicity pattern 3854 which is available in store today. Dee, a Just Fabrics staff member, has made this beautiful summer dress out of our cupcake fabric and is . This dress is featured in our shop window and will look stunning in any our 100% cotton fabrics that are available in the Just Fabrics store at £6.99. Our friendly, experienced and helpful staff are happy to advise any customers that would like to make a summer dress of any shape or style.

Here are the 100% cotton fabric prints that are available at Just Fabrics at £6.99 per metre.
 If you would like to purchase any of of the products you have seen on this blog, you can order by phoning 01634 827063.
Or come and visit us 109 The Pentagon Shopping Centre, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4HW. If you are still unsure as to how to find us you can look on Google maps by clicking this link.   

These 100% cotton fabric prints that are available at Just Fabrics at £6.99 per metre.
 If you would like to purchase any of of the products you have seen on this blog, you can order by phoning 01634 827063.
Or come and visit us 109 The Pentagon Shopping Centre, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4HW. If you are still unsure as to how to find us you can look on Google maps by clicking this link.   

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Those Crafty Kids

On those long rainy days finding activities to do with your children can be hard. So here on this blog post we have come up with a few ideas to get your children creative with Just Fabrics.

Our first idea is puppets. With a variety of differet coloured fabrics, laces, ribbons, trims, buttons, googly eyes and much more to chose from; your children can really unleash their creativity and make a unique creation. 
Here at Just Fabric's we would like to suggest felt be your fabric choice for your puppet. Felt is available in Just Fabrics in many colours and sizes. We sell felt either in a variety of different square sizes or by the metre. 
So lets begin with how to make your puppet. 
1.Firstly decide on the shape of the puppet, will it be a finger puppet or a hand puppet? The animal puppets above are finger puppets and the puppets to below are the shape of hand puppets. 
2. Whatever shape you would like your puppet to be, cut out two identical pieces of felt in this shape, like we have pictured below.
Tip. If you are having trouble with your shape draw around your hand or finger giving a centimetre of extra space as you draw around. 
Annie Childrens Sewing Class The Sewing Room
3. Place both pieces of felt together and sew around the edges leaving the space where your hand will be inserted. This can be hand sewn or sewn with a sewing machine.
4. Now turn your puppet inside out and Voila! Your puppet has already taken shape.
5. Now you are free to be as creative as you like, and decorate your puppet as you please. You can add googly eyes to give your puppet character. These are available in store in different shapes and sizes.
You can add feathers, use fabric glues, add buttons, use ribbons, laces trims or sew details into your puppet with a coloured cotton. All of these products are available in store, so why not pop down to Just Fabrics and make a puppet of your own?
French knitting is a way to keep kids crafty whilst they watch the TV, are listening to the radio or having a chat with friends and family. Children can also create friends and relatives a present with the finished product by wrapping the wall into a spiral like a snail shell and sewing it together to create a coaster, a table mat or a rug: depending on how much has been made. French knitting dolls are available in the Just fabrics store and make the perfect present for any child that loves to creative. A variety of Robin Wools are also available in store in many different colours and thickness's. 
We also have a variety of cross stitch kits available at Just Fabrics, some plain and some with patterns. We also have various size needles so that even the little ones can have a go at creating a cross stitch creation.
If you and your little ones want to get arty, you can create works of art on most fabrics with the Leeho Fabric pens. These pens are available in colour, glitter and pearl in the Just Fabrics store today! So now you can Jazz up a boring old T-shirt, customise your slippers or create a Moet on your dressing gown.


If your child is a Brownie, a Girl Guide, a Cub or a Scout they can earn their hobby and craft badges and awards by using any of the ideas shown here on this blog. If they would like to earn these badges  the helpful staff at Just Fabrics will be happy to give you information and advice as to how your children can obtain these awards.

Girl Guides
Scouts/ Cubs

If you would like to purchase any of of the products you have seen on this blog, you can order by phoning 01634 827063.
Or come and visit us 109 The Pentagon Shopping Centre, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4HW. If you are still unsure as to how to find us you can look on Google maps by clicking this link.   

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back to Basics: Lesson 2- How to sew a button

Sewing a button
Thread the needle.

1. Thread the needle. If you like, you can double the thread to make this job quicker. Simply pull it through the needle so that there is an equal length of thread extending from both sides
Tie a knot.
2. Tie a knot at the end of the thread. One way to tie a knot is to wrap the thread around your finger as shown, roll the thread between your fingers, and pull it tight. If you doubled the thread, tie the ends together. 3.Leave a long tail of thread, whether you are doubling the thread or using a single thread to sew the button.
Position the button.

3. Position the button on the fabric. Line the button up with the other buttons on the garment
Check the buttonhole. Close the opposite flap or panel where you want it and make sure that the button lines up with the buttonhole.
- If the button was on correctly before, you can often go by the little holes in the fabric where the button used to be. You can see the pinholes alongside the button in the photo above.
Push the needle through.
4.Push the threaded needle up through the fabric and through one hole in the button. Pull the thread all the way through on each stitch.
Place a pin under the center of the button.
5. Place a pin or toothpick under the button across the button's center and hold it there until the next stitch helps keep it in place. When the pin is withdrawn later, it will allow the slack necessary to create a "shank" so that there will be space between behind the button for the material that will need to go there when the garment is buttoned.
Push the needle through the next hole.
6. ush the needle down through the next hole and through the fabric. Still holding the pin in place, pull the thread all the way through. Once that is done, the pin will be kept in place by the thread. In this photo, the button was lifted up to show what's going where, but it's best to hold the button in place so it does not move.
  • Button with stitching in an X.

    On a 4-hole button choose the one diagonal to the first hole if you want the threads to cross in an "X" formation.
  • Button with parallel thread pattern.
     Button with parallel thread pattern.
    If you want two parallel lines of thread showing, choose the next hole that is opposite the first.

7. Bring the needle up through the first hole (for a 2-hole button) or a new hole (for a 4-hole button) and pull the thread all the way through the fabric (as seen below).

Bring the needle up through the fabric and button.
8. Repeat the sewing process enough times to make sure the button is securely in place. On 4-hole buttons, make sure that the stitches have been made evenly, so that all four holes are equally used.
Repeat the process until the button is secure.
9.On the last stitch, push the needle through the material, but not through a hole in the button
Come up between the fabric and the button.
10. Pull the thread out into the area between button and material, remove the pin and pull up the button a little.
Go between the button and material.
11. Wrap the thread six times around the thread between the button and the material to reinforce the shank you have created
Wrap the thread around the "shank".
12. Push the needle back down through the material.
Back down through the material.
13. Make three or four back stitches to secure the thread.
Back stitch to tie off the thread.
14. Cut off the excess
Trim the excess thread.
Different sized needles, threads, fabrics, buttons and scissors are available in store. You can also buy a quick repair kit; it is small and compact and can be popped in your pocket, handbag or wallet ready to use when needed.
 If you would like to purchase any of of the products you have seen on this blog, you can order by phoning 01634 827063.

Or come and visit us 109 The Pentagon Shopping Centre, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4HW. If you are still unsure as to how to find us you can look on Google maps by clicking this link.   

For any queries please email: